Even if you just buy company stock or mutual funds in your 401(k), you are still considered an investor, and this blog is for you. In our last blog, we talked about the “feeling” brain and the “thinking” brain. We run on our Feeling brain most of the day until we kick in our Thinking… Continue reading How Your Feeling Brain Buys the Wrong Investments –Part 2
Category: BC Blog
How Your Feeling Brain Blows Your Budget – Part 1
Jason Zweig does a great job of explaining the two sides of our brain in Your Money & Your Brain. We have the “thinking” or Reflective side; and we have the “feeling” or Reflexive side. Our Reflexive side is used more often daily – it is our automatic pilot, or intuition. The reflexive, feeling brain… Continue reading How Your Feeling Brain Blows Your Budget – Part 1
The Shopaholic and The Fallout Part 4
This is Part 4 of Fighting the Shopaholic in You. Eventually, regardless of our reason for shopping ‘til we drop time and time again, we are forced to face the clean up. The emotional aftermath. The financial mess. Call it what you will. Here are some examples of situations that eventually catch up with a… Continue reading The Shopaholic and The Fallout Part 4
Obvious signs of shopaholism
In Parts 1 & 2 we covered some obvious signs of shopaholism, as well as some of the basic reasons. In this blog we dive a bit deeper into the key drivers of the behavior. Find out if one of the triggers outlined below is driving you to shop ‘til you drop! Triggers are an… Continue reading Obvious signs of shopaholism
The Shopaholic – Do You Shop for Need or Desire? Part 2
In Part 1 of this blog series, we identified some key warning signs for Shopaholism. Now we examine the different emotions that drive compulsive buying, as well as the biology and genetics that may drive us to the extreme. Impulse disorders such as gambling, alcoholism, and binge eating have a genetic component. Compulsive buying is… Continue reading The Shopaholic – Do You Shop for Need or Desire? Part 2
The Shopaholic – Are You One? Part 1
It seems like there is tremendous wealth all over the world doesn’t there? We are hit with TV shows highlighting millionaires and all their toys; rich “Housewives” of whatever major city, and HGTV with their international home buyers. These shows become the standard – it seems everyone has wealth and toys everywhere so why shouldn’t… Continue reading The Shopaholic – Are You One? Part 1
Your Rational Decisions – Aren’t. Part 3
I’ve been talking about the shortcuts your brain makes when coming to a decision. It carries on a conversation with itself reviewing all the memories, facts and emotions possibly related to the item in front of you. Here is how branding will get you to spend money based on these Somatic Markers. Being a good… Continue reading Your Rational Decisions – Aren’t. Part 3
Your Rational Decisions – Aren’t. Part 1
When I was transferred from Canada to the U.S., I loved exploring my new neighborhood and settling in. Until it came to shopping for food. One would think that because the two countries are neighbors and we eat, consume and dress so similarly, that it would be an easy transition. Well, it was definitely easier… Continue reading Your Rational Decisions – Aren’t. Part 1
How Mirror Neurons Can Part You and Your Money
Mirror Neurons are a scientific way of saying that when we see a beautiful model wearing a great outfit in Vogue magazine, we want to buy it because we project how beautiful we will look and feel wearing that outfit. Basically, we envision ourselves as a mirror image of the model. This method of marketing… Continue reading How Mirror Neurons Can Part You and Your Money
Liberate Yourself – Re-Framing your Money Behavior for Success
I decided to start running after years of hiking and working out in a gym. And let’s be clear – I hate running. But there comes a time in life when you need to be able to exercise wherever you are to wear off those calories. I worked my way up to 5 minutes, then… Continue reading Liberate Yourself – Re-Framing your Money Behavior for Success