Alternatives to Emotional Spending

Andrea, the author of this blog, has been down the emotionally-triggered, over-shopping road and she is finding a new path for her well worn shoes. (No need for new Pradas here.) This blog shares some excellent strategies to combat that nagging old habit of being an out-of-control, emotional spender. Andrea suggests 1) keeping your credit card in an odd, out-of-the-way place, 2) waiting a month before making any purchase over $100, and 3) looking at your upcoming budget and the things you must buy next month while reviewing the purchases you have made recently. Calm your mind, realize that you have a problem, and look for creative ways to resolve it.

Read the rest of the article here: Alternatives to Emotional Spending

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By Carrie Rattle

Carrie Rattle is a Principal at, a website for women focused on mind and money behaviors. She has worked in the financial services industry for 20+ years and hopes to inspire women to better prepare themselves for financial independence. Read More