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You Are Not Alone
These resources are here to help you start managing your overshopping, and realize that you are not alone in this journey. Compulsive shopping is an addiction that approximately 30 million people in this country experience. There are a number of ways you can begin to manage it, and your journey will be unique to you.
Resources for You
Book & Journals
Dr. Benson’s book “To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Overshop and How to Stop” shares exercises to help you manage your shopping urges and behaviors, and stories about real compulsive shoppers. It is accompanied by two companion journals. Click on the headline to get more information.
If you’re just easing into it, Stopping the Shopping Insanity and other recordings may help you relate to your situation and lessen the shame when you hear other stories. Click Here.
These videos cover the range of confessions from shopaholics, news coverage, and information shared by experts. Click Here.
We highlight a broad selection of books that cover not only shopping as a compulsion, but also the effects on our lives and the world. Click Here.
Blogs & Articles
We offer myriad on compulsive shopping found in a vast array of publications so you can see different perspectives. We also highlight several bloggers outside of our own who may offer ways to tackle overshopping. Click Here.