Fabric from Food Waste? No Need to Scrap Fashion


Fabric from Food Waste? No Need to Scrap Fashion

From dissolving thread, fabric made from food waste to clothes made from algae, the winners of this year’s Global Change Award are trying to plot a new way forward for a fashion industry that’s been too focused on disposable clothing. These innovative, out-of-the-box alternatives to disposable clothing are made entirely with sustainable materials. Both literally and figuratively, they’re reweaving the warp and woof of fashion, in the process nudging us toward safeguarding our planet and our living conditions.

Behavioral Cents Logo | Fabric from Food Waste? No Need to Scrap Fashion
Fast Fashion Destroying the Planet

Fashion Revolution, a nearly five year old non-profit that arose from the ashes of the Rana Plaza factory collapse. That tragedy shook the fashion world and catalyzed the world’s biggest fashion activism movement toward systemic reform of the fashion industry through greater transparency in the fashion supply chain.


I want to be a part of that movement. I’m sensing the transformational promise of repurpose, reshape, and rethink and see a few rumblings of groundswell.  If this sounds good to you too, click here to go to the Fashion Revolution website, where you can find ways to take action and dozens of events throughout the United States during Fashion Revolution week, April 22-27.


Using the site, I found out about an organization in my neighborhood in New York that trains immigrant women to have successful careers in the apparel industry.  They provide a comprehensive sewing training and assistance in developing entrepreneurship. The Custom Collaborative will soon have a day of open studio and I’m psyched to visit.


There are many ways to action. To join the revolution starting April 23rd , click here.


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Behavioral Cents Logo | Fabric from Food Waste? No Need to Scrap Fashion

By Carrie Rattle

Carrie Rattle is a Principal at BehavioralCents.com, a website for women focused on mind and money behaviors. She has worked in the financial services industry for 20+ years and hopes to inspire women to better prepare themselves for financial independence. Read More