My Father was equally as rich. What do they have in common you might ask? They are/were content to live within their means, on their own terms, happily. I found the NY Times Article: Definition of Riches Changes with Income interesting. It got me thinking because I bet some people will read this and decide… Continue reading My Father In-Law is the Richest Man I Know
Category: BC Blog
Living in the Perfect Holiday Picture
We’ve all seen the commercials and the magazines depicting the Perfect Holiday. The perfect place settings and wonderful home surroundings ensure that smiling kids and grandparents are having the time of their life. Without the celebratory trappings, the Holiday just won’t be right. Or will it? Already we can see matching plates, glasses, napkins, table… Continue reading Living in the Perfect Holiday Picture
More Money May Not be the Answer
I started equestrian lessons about 3 years ago because I love horses and had dreamed of doing this most of my life. Aside from landing in the dust a couple of times, and being stuck on a stubborn horse facing into the corner of the barn, I also learned about some more bad money behaviors.… Continue reading More Money May Not be the Answer
Ever Been Arrested By the Fashion Police?
As a marketer, I spend hours reflecting on how the fashion industry so masterfully molds our minds to think we always need to be wearing the latest trend. They introduce a new dress length, or new colors, or wider pants each season. Have you ever been arrested by the fashion police for not wearing the… Continue reading Ever Been Arrested By the Fashion Police?
If The World Stopped, How Important Would All of Your Appointments Be?
It might be fair to say that if some major tragedy hit us, a lot of our everyday activities would pale in comparison. They would lose priority, and relevance. After September 11, 2001 I was shut out of my office on Wall Street for 3 weeks. Upon return, everything on my desk just didn’t seem… Continue reading If The World Stopped, How Important Would All of Your Appointments Be?
Since When is Saving Money Rational?
Budgeting is so rational. You merely have to calculate how much you want to have at retirement, look at the number of working years, and save a certain amount per year. Voila! Financial brochures make it look so darned simple – you must be the only one not doing it. Unfortunately, life, and the human… Continue reading Since When is Saving Money Rational?
A Matter of Trust…
A Matter of Trust is a theme we will revisit over and over again, because it is part of the core of human nature. We all want to trust each other – help each other – get along. If we couldn’t trust people to stop at red lights, how could our traffic operate at all?… Continue reading A Matter of Trust…
Your Money Neuro Track
I’ve been a fan of Neuroscience for a few years now. It not only appeals to my inner geek, but it assists me in being the best coach possible for my clients. Did you know that our Amygdala, that has served us well since the dawn of time when it helped us decide on fight… Continue reading Your Money Neuro Track
Willful Money Blindness & Social Pressures
“Surely, consumers argue, tanning salons wouldn’t be allowed if they were harmful – would they?” This is an example of social validation that Margaret Heffernan covers in her book Willful Blindness. Even though both The U.S Department of Health and Human Service, plus the International Agency for Research on Cancer both state that tanning beds have… Continue reading Willful Money Blindness & Social Pressures
The Raw Effect Of Money Secrets On Love & Marriage
Many couples don’t want to talk about money. The reasons run from “It will ruin the romance” to “I don’t want to rock the boat”. Love and marriage are perceived as pure, hopeful, and precious – and money is often considered dirty, callous, or controversial. Here is why this thinking is completely wrong, and how… Continue reading The Raw Effect Of Money Secrets On Love & Marriage