Resources Available through Stopping Overshopping, LLC

The Stopping Overshopping Program is a comprehensive recovery tool that helps compulsive shoppers overcome their compulsive buying behavior.

The Program addresses compulsive shopping on multiple fronts, enabling overshoppers to:

  • recognize impulses as they arise
  • tolerate impulses without acting on them
  • separate who they are from what they have
  • find healthier ways to meet their needs
  • reclaim their power, freedom, and self-esteem


Individual Coaching

April Benson, Ph.D. and her associate Marcela Torres, LCSW offer individual coaching by telephone or in person to compulsive buyers. The coaching begins with the completion of a Personal History Questionnaire, and two valid and reliable compulsive buying assessment tools. Following an initial consultation where this material is reviewed, coaching clients purchase the text, To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Overshop and How to Stop and the companion Shopping Journals and work through the entire program during the coaching sessions and have email and text contact with their coach between sessions. Coaching clients do the relevant reading and exercises prior to each session. For further details about the individual coaching, click here.

For a list of therapists who have trained in the Stopping Overshopping method, click here.

Group Coaching

April Benson, Ph.D. offers small group coaching to compulsive buyers, both by telephone and in person. Following the completion of of a Personal History Questionnaire, and two valid and reliable compulsive buying assessment tools, each prospective group member has an individual phone consultation.

The group coaching consists of 12 sessions, each of which focuses on one part of the Stopping Overshopping Program. Group coaching clients do the relevant reading in the text, To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Overshop and How to Stop and do the exercises in the companion Shopping Journals prior to each session.

For further details about the group coaching program, click here.

Text Messaging Program

Over the last two years we’ve offered a text-messaging program to help people like you who are struggling to get their addiction under control. We’ve received quite a bit of extremely positive feedback.

To read what program users have said, click here.

When you begin the program, you answer a series of questions that allow us to personalize the text messages that you receive. This ensures that we send you messages that will specifically help you in the areas that you struggle most.

You’ll be receiving informational, directive, benefit-oriented, motivational, and inspirational texts, and you’re also encouraged to text the system 24/7 to get some immediate, targeted help.

These texts will motivate you to surf through the waves of your urges without falling prey to overshopping or overspending.  You’ll emerge a stronger, stiller, and more skillful you. For further details about the text messaging program, click here.


We offer a 4-session didactic training for therapists who want to learn more about compulsive buying disorder and how to work with overshoppers. For details, click here.

We offer a 12-session training for therapists who want to learn to use the Stopping Overshopping model. For details, click here.

We offer an online course in the theory and treatment of compulsive buying disorder through Psy-BC. For details, click here.


Dr. Benson is available to speak to both professional and non-professional audiences. To see a list of her recent and upcoming speaking engagements, click here.

Please note that we provide these resources for informational purposes only. We are not affiliated with these providers, nor are we responsible for their recommendations or treatments. Neither April Lane Benson, Ph.D., nor can guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or reliability of the information and services of the sources to which you find links on this website.