We’re smack dab in the middle of Chanukah and there’s less than a week until Christmas, still plenty of time to limit holiday overspending and bring more meaning and merriment into your life. I’ve written a piece, published yesterday in the Huffington Post that just might help you have a good, not a goods holiday–and not wake up to a whopping post-holiday hangover! To read it, click here.
At Stopping Overshopping, LLC, we are truly grateful for all the support you’ve shown us this year. Many of you open our broadcasts, make comments, send emails, and in other ways let us know that what we’re doing has helped you. It’s music to our ears.
Wishing you a holiday filled with love and laughter…

Carrie Rattle is a Principal at BehavioralCents.com, a website for women focused on mind and money behaviors. She has worked in the financial services industry for 20+ years and hopes to inspire women to better prepare themselves for financial independence.