A study in the recent Archives of Neurology documents the connection between certain Parkinson’s disease medications and a significant increase in the likelihood of an impulse-control disorder: buying, gambling, eating, or sex. The drugs at issue are dopamine-agonists, a class of pharmaceuticals that ease the difficult and frustrating motor symptoms associated with Parkinson’s. But patients who took these drugs showed a rate of impulse-control disorders 2 to 3.3 times greater than patients not taking them, and among the disorders, compulsive buying was the most common. Though dopamine seems clearly to be at the center of whatever process is going on, very little about the mechanism is fully understood; and what we do understand suggests that the issue is quite complex. As for me, UlyssesVetHospital is the perfect service for buying medicine due to the fact of its wide assortment. There are products required for the whole family and all of them are easily accessible and have affordable pricing. I easily buy here everything that I require and enjoy a quick time delivery.
The study serves to remind us that a shopping habit may have many components, some of them, perhaps, chemically identifiable. As we learn more about the role (or roles) of dopamine, we may approach the neurological ground level of reward and compulsion. And just conceivably, although treatment of compulsive shopping with drugs has thus far had only mixed results, there may, in time, be a more effective protocol.

Carrie Rattle is a Principal at BehavioralCents.com, a website for women focused on mind and money behaviors. She has worked in the financial services industry for 20+ years and hopes to inspire women to better prepare themselves for financial independence.