Detailed Course Overview
Session 1
In the first session, Affluenza: Introduction to Compulsive Buying Disorder,we explore what compulsive buying is, how it differs from normal buying, and how living in a culture of consumption affects it. We’ll look at how prevalent it is, how to diagnose it and how it evolves. We look at who becomes a compulsive buyer, at the question of gender, and at whether it’s best seen as a psychiatric disorder or a search for a better self. We also survey the variety of functions that it serves in the life of the compulsive buyer and touch on what’s often our professional unease when working with compulsive buying clients so that we can be aware of our own blindspots and biases and thus become more comfortable and competent as therapists.
Session 2
In the second session, What Works and Why: Forms of Treatment and Treatment Adjuncts, we explore the various forms of treatment and treatment adjuncts that are currently being used with compulsive buyers, which will give you direction when trying to formulate a treatment plan. We review some of the treatment research and then focus on particular tools, skills, and strategies that are known to help people with compulsive buying disorder. And finally we look at the issue of how, when, and whether to integrate specific compulsive buying interventions into ongoing psychotherapy.
Session 3
The third session, The Birdseye View: Theoretical and Technical Perspectives, begins with the idea that compulsive shopping is but one form of a larger constellation of behaviors that have in common an intense desire to acquire, possess, or hoard objects. We touch on some of these related behaviors and explore what often leads counselors and therapists to underinquire about someone’s shopping and buying behavior. We explore two very different approaches to working with overshopping clients and discuss how to help clients feel motivated to do the serious work that lies ahead.
Session 4
In the final session, What is Shopping? What Are We Really Shopping For?, we explore shopping as search and discovery, not necessarily related to buying or having. We stretch out the landscape of shopping beyond goods and services, into experiences and ideas and look at research that suggests that if money isn’t making us happy, then we’re probably not spending it right. For example, when we choose to spend money on experiences over things, we’re significantly happier. We close by revisiting the idea that authentic underlying needs propel shopping impulses and discuss how to help clients tease out what they’re really shopping for and find ways to meet those needs that enhance, rather than erode life.
Cost of the Course
The last time this course was offered, it sold for $395. I am now making it available for only $250.
If for any reason, after taking the course, you don’t feel you’ve gotten a thorough understanding of compulsive buying disorder, notify me within 30 days of your purchase and I’ll refund your course fee in full.