Five Tips to Protect Your Money While Traveling During the Holidays

The folks over at outline five ways you can guard your assets while traveling during the holiday season. First, have a game plan for emergencies. Write down important information that you might need if you lost your wallet, pocketbook or passport and secret it away in a safe place. Online resources are available for this kind of information stash. Secondly, put your bills on auto pay so that you don’t forget and get hit with late fees. Next, keep a lid on fees for ATM usage and the like. Fourth, protect yourself from fraud by securing your identity papers and halting your mail. Finally, use common sense to keep from becoming a statistic.

Read the entire article here: Five Tips to Protect Your Money While Traveling During the Holidays

Behavioral Cents Logo | Five Tips to Protect Your Money While Traveling During the Holidays

By Carrie Rattle

Carrie Rattle is a Principal at, a website for women focused on mind and money behaviors. She has worked in the financial services industry for 20+ years and hopes to inspire women to better prepare themselves for financial independence. Read More