Help For Shopping Addiction Telecoaching Group

12-Week Shopping Addiction Telecoaching Group

Are You Concerned About Your Shopping and Spending?

If the Answer is Yes, We Can Help.

Here’s how:

The focus of the 12-week Shopping AddictionTelecoaching Group is on providing help for shopping addiction through changing problematic buying behavior. The program employs a wide array of techniques to achieve this goal. You’ll acquire many practical tools and learn a variety of relevant skills and strategies in a confidential space, while building relationships and gaining confidence and support from your peers.

We always have a free teleseminar before a 12-session group begins so that you can get a good idea of what the group will be like and whether it’s something that feels like a good fit for you . To listen to the replay of the most recent teleseminar, click here.

What will I learn?

  • How to identify triggers, cues and consequences of your overbuying
  • How to manage and control overspending urges
  • How to mindfully engage with catalog, TV, Internet, and store buying
  • How to track your spending and evaluate your proposed purchases
  • How to set relevant, achievable goals and go after them
  • How to learn what you’re really shopping for and how to get that
  • How to deal with the inevitable lapses and relapses that are part of recovery

The group is in email contact during the week in between sessions and after each group meeting, the group gets a debriefing email from the group coaches, recapping progress toward goals, reviewing the most important points that came up during the group, and previewing the work for the next week.

Why group?

This powerful 12-week help for shopping addiction coaching group offers a time-tested combination of peer support, encouragement, and feedback under the guidance of a nationally recognized expert in this problem to help you conquer the urge to overshop. The presence and support of others who share your challenge helps to transform isolation to hope, and offers the encouragement each group member needs to stay motivated and create healthy change. Group coaching also helps break through the wall of denial of this self-destructive behavior, leading to awareness and positive action rather than avoidance and fostering hope. Members share triumphs and disappointments and grow from both.

When does the group meet? 

The current 12-session telecoaching group is now closed.

Please fill out the form below if you would like to be notified when we begin the next group. 

 Telecoaching Group




Who’s leading the group? 

April Lane Benson, Ph.D. and Marcela Torres, LCSW  co-lead the group.

Dr. April BensonApril Lane Benson, Ph.D., is a nationally known psychologist who specializes in the treatment of compulsive buying disorder. Dr. Benson has been in private practice in New York City for over 35 years.  Author of To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Overshop and How to Stop and editor of I Shop, Therefore I Am: Compulsive Buying and the Search for Self, Dr. Benson has also published chapters in several professional books and conducted empirical research into the efficacy of the Stopping Overshopping model of treatment, which was published in the June, 2014 issue of the Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery.

Marcela Torres-Noguera, LCSW, is a bilingual FullSizeRender-8licensed social worker, who helped in the original development of the Stopping Overshopping Program. Marcela has also worked with  individual overshoppers and co-led in-person groups. She has extensive experience providing individual and family counseling/therapy to families involved in the New York City Child Welfare system.  Marcela is co-leading the fall 2016 telecoaching group.

What’s the course material? 

Each group member receives:

A copy of: To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Overshop and How to Stop

by April Lane Benson, Ph.D.

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The companion Shopping Journals


What’s the fee? 

The fee for the 12-week group is $1450 (including book & journals). Group members who pay in full by the first group meeting will receive a 10% discount.

How do I get started?

This 12-session telecoaching group is now closed. Please fill out this form if you would like to be notified when the next group will begin.

 Telecoaching Group



    Behavioral Cents Logo | Help For Shopping Addiction Telecoaching Group

    By Carrie Rattle

    Carrie Rattle is a Principal at, a website for women focused on mind and money behaviors. She has worked in the financial services industry for 20+ years and hopes to inspire women to better prepare themselves for financial independence. Read More