2013 Media Coverage of Compulsive Buying
- CBS News (December 15th, 2013)
How a great sale affects your brain - CNBC (December 6th, 2013)
Shop Under the Influence at Clothing Store Bars - Huffington Post (December 2nd, 2013)
15 Signs You are Hopelessly Addicted to Online Shopping - Reader’s Digest (November 23rd, 2013)
Top Psychology Tricks to Spend Less While Shopping - The Fiscal Times (November 22nd, 2013)
7 Ways to Score the Best Black Friday Deals - Iol Lifestyle (November 13th, 2013)
Is your shopping out of hand? - My Year Without Clothes Shopping (November 11th, 2013)
The “One In – One Out” Shopping Strategy — Pros and Cons - My Year Without Clothes Shopping (October 24th, 2013)
Where Will I Wear It? - Yahoo! Finance (October 15th, 2013)
Signs You Suffer From a Financial Disorder - Daily Mail Online (October 7th, 2013)
Council clerk stole £160,000 from taxpayers to fund her ‘shopping addiction’ - Money Talks News (September 24th, 2013)
Ask Stacy: How Can I Curb Emotional Shopping? - The Wall Street Journal (August 31, 2013)
Hard Wired For Giving - Decoded Science (August 14th, 2013)
Compulsive Shopping: Money Management, Motivation, and Expectations - Daily Mail Online (August 8th, 2013)
‘I STILL lie to my parents about money’ - Consumer Affairs (August 6th, 2013)
Why Shopaholics Keep on Spending - Huffington Post Healthy Living (August 5th, 2013)
Compulsive Shoppers Overspend to Boost Mood, Study Finds - Business News Daily (August 2nd, 2013)
Addicted Shoppers Often Lack Organizational Skills - CBS New York (August 1st, 2013)
New Study: Difficult Childhood Experiences Possibly Linked to Compulsive Shopping Later in Life - Digital Journal (June 20th, 2013)
Loans.org Reveals Student Loans Funding Addictions - KPLR 11 St. Louis (June 19th, 2013)
Avoid Overspending When Shopping - Lifestyle: All Women Stalk (June 17th, 2013)
8 Tips on How to Control Your Shopping Addiction - SYS-Con Media (May 30th, 2013)
More than One-in-Ten U.S. Adults Consider Themselves to be Shopaholics, Reveals New CouponCabin.com Survey - South China Morning Post (May 22nd, 2013)
Men twice as likely to be ‘shopaholics’, says Taobao report - The Sydney Morning Herald (May 22nd, 2013)
Retail Remedies…or an Acquiring Addiction? - U.S. News Money (May 20th, 2013)
Why Shopping Can Be Good For Your Health - Digtriad WFMY News 2 (May 7th, 2013)
Shopping Addiction Means a Closet Full of Regrets - The Wall Street Journal (April 17th, 2013)
A Closet Filled With Regrets - The Fix (April 9th, 2013)
More Men Hooked on Shopping - Fox Business (April 8th, 2013)
More Men Chasing the ‘Rush’: Male Shopping Addiction Growing - Styleswept (April 5th, 2013)
Compulsive Buying Disorder - The Cut (April 4, 2013)
One in Five Shopaholics Is Like Buzz Bissinger - The New York Times (April 3rd, 2013)
A Gucci-Fueled Pursuit of A New Sense of Identity - CNN Opinion (April 2, 2013)
The dark side of shopping - The Daily Beast (March 28, 2013)
Buzz Bissinger Checks Into Rehab for Shopping Addiction—But Is It Real? - Financially Fit: Saving Smart & Living Well (March 28, 2013)
Signs You’re a Shopaholic - Huff Post Women (March 27th, 2013)
I’m Wearing my 71 Dresses in 71 Days to Stop My Shopping Addiction - MyAddiction.com: Online Addition & Recovery Resource (March 19, 2013)
Three Proven Strategies To Stop Overshopping - Spirituality Practice (March, 2013)
Spiritual Practices for Shopping - About.com (March 7th, 2013)
A Day in the Life of a Shopaholic - Mamiverse.com (February 28th, 2013)
Shop ‘Til You Drop? 10 Tips to Beat a Shopping Addiction - People’s Daily Online (February 27th, 2013)
Are You Addicted to Online Shopping? - Toronto Sun (February 11th, 2013)
Have a Valentines Day on a Budget Without Looking Cheap - FoxBusiness.com (February 8th, 2013)
Five Tough Questions to Help Tame Overspending - Income Therapy (February 6th, 2013)
How to Stop Compulsive Buying - U-T Sandiego (January 29th, 2013)
Steps For Keeping Compulsive Shopping In Check - Sharon O’Day (January 28th, 2013)
Compulsive Shopping: Is It, Or Isn’t It? - US News Money (January 25th, 2013)
Confessions of Former Shopaholics - U-T Sandiego (January 22nd, 2013)
Pleasure and Pain of Shopping - Kuzak’s Closet (January 18th, 2013)
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Carrie Rattle is a Principal at BehavioralCents.com, a website for women focused on mind and money behaviors. She has worked in the financial services industry for 20+ years and hopes to inspire women to better prepare themselves for financial independence.