
4-Session Audio Course

To Buy or Not to Buy: Theory and Treatment of Compulsive Buying

Taught by April Lane Benson, Ph.D.

4-session audio course  for mental health professionals with readings, audiotapes, and a live consultation call with Dr. Benson.

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Listen to an excerpt from the first class!

The course begins with a thorough introduction to “affluenza,” or compulsive buying disorder. We explore the culture of consumption that gives rise to it and the high price of materialism. We look at the professional unease that’s not uncommon in working with overshoppers. We then focus on the etiology, assessment, diagnosis, comorbidity, and function of this increasingly global problem. We continue with a survey of the forms of treatment and treatment adjuncts known to be effective with overshoppers, and focus in on specific tools and strategies. Finally, we take a close look at two basic and seminal questions: What is shopping? and What are we really shopping for?

The course also includes one live, 30-minute individual or small group consultation call with Dr. April Benson.

“I found Dr Benson’s 4-session audio course to be an excellent overview of compulsive buying disorder. It was very interesting to learn about the determinants for this behaviour in addition to gaining knowledge and practical skills in assessment and  treatment options. Since doing this course,  I have set up my own private practice, specialising in the treatment of problematic shopping/ spending behaviour and regularly consult with Dr Benson who I have found to be extremely passionate about the work she does. I have benefited greatly from her expertise and generosity”.

–Michelle Laving, Registered Counsellor Sydney, Australia.

Educational Objectives:

Through both the audio course and readings, you learn what compulsive buying is, how our culture supports it, what forms the disorder takes, how to assess and diagnose it, and what its various functions are. Additionally, you learn how to determine when intervention is necessary and what forms of effective treatment and treatment adjuncts are available, whether or not you personally choose to do the focused, structured work so necessary for recovery from this problem. You’ll be introduced to a variety of important tools, techniques, and strategies for working with compulsive buyers and learn how to integrate them into ongoing treatment. Finally, we’ll deconstruct the shopping process and untie the knot that binds shopping and buying so tightly together so that you can help overshoppers find out what they’re really shopping for and how to get that.

If you’re interested in why I think this training is a good idea, have a listen. 

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Take the course on your own time, in your own space, and listen as often as you like.

Course Fee: $250

Click here to listen to a sneak peak of what you will learn in this course.

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