Therapists Trained by Dr. Benson

Therapists, Counselors and Coaches With Specialized Training

in  the Stopping Overshopping Program

Most of the listed professionals will work in-person, by phone, Zoom or Skype:

Jean Deelstra, MSW, RSW, CSAT (candidate)
Address: Online, Mississauga Ontario Canada
Exclusive to Canadian residents
Penelope J. Hooks, M.D.
3311 Richmond Avenue, Suite 330
Houston, TX 77098
Denise Kelley, MA, Licensed Professional Counselor
Asheville, NC 28803
Marcia Lavipour, LCSW, PhD
241 Central Park West, suite 1D, New York, New York 10024
Gretchen Lord, LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street, PH Floor
New York, New York 10001
 (347) 719-3027
Laura MacLeod, LMSW
New York, New York
Carla McNeil, LCSW
502 East Cornwallis Dr. Suite N
Greensboro, NC 27405
Sara Millstein, LCSW, PhD
330 West 58th Street, Suite 506
New York, NY 10019
Carrie Rattle, MBA, CDFA, AFC
780 3rd Avenue, 14th Floor
New York, New York 10017
Terrence Daryl Shulman, JD, LMSW, ACSW, CAADC, CPC
P.O. Box 250008
Franklin, Michigan 48025
Linda M. Smith, Ph.D., LMFT
1407 M.D. Lane, Suite A
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Marcela Torres-Noguera, LCSW
Fee: $130
Carolyn McCarter Wood, M.Div., MSW, LCAS
OnTrack Financial Education and Counseling
50 South French Broad Ave.
Asheville NC 28801

This listing is for the sole purpose of listing those therapists, counselors, and coaches who have completed training offered by Stopping Overshopping LLC, as taught by April Lane Benson, Ph.D. Professional training for psychotherapists is offered in the understanding and treatment of overshopping and compulsive buying. Stopping Overshopping LLC, and April Lane Benson, Ph.D. have not investigated or verified the professional background, state licensure, competence, ethics or training (other than training by April Benson or Stopping Overshopping LLC) of the listed psychotherapists and can make no representations or warranties regarding the availability, suitability or quality of their services generally or for any individual. Stopping Overshopping LLC, and April Lane Benson, Ph.D. cannot be responsible for any harm caused by your reliance on, or any use made of, this listing or the services of a listed psychotherapist. Stopping Overshopping LLC, and April Lane Benson Ph.D. cannot be responsible in any way for any communication, consultation, evaluation or treatment that results from your contacting any listed psychotherapists.

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