Order Journals – To Buy or Not to Buy

Behavioral Cents Logo | Order Journals – To Buy or Not to BuyNOW AVAILABLE!

2-Part, Fully Assembled Shopping Journal

In To Buy or Not to Buy, there are numerous references to a Shopping Journal, a do-it-yourself notebook that you keep as you make your way through the text. This page describes the optional, fully-assembled version of the Shopping Journal, which consists of two parts:

Behavioral Cents Logo | Order Journals – To Buy or Not to BuyThe Journal

This 121-page, letter-sized booklet, used primarily at home, is for open-ended exercises and open-ended questions. In your Journal, you’ll summarize and synthesize work you’ve done, plan and review your purchases, challenge instances of distorted thinking, and, ultimately, distill your experience of the program to its essence.

The Mini Journal

This 168-page, pocket-sized booklet is your portable companion. It brings the powerful techniques and strategies of To Buy or Not to Buy directly to your shopping encounters, giving you crucial support in the critical moment. The Mini Journal keeps together all the exercises you need to do “on site,” making it much more likely that you’ll do them and refer back to them later!

Order the journals now!
Order the book and journals together!
Order only the mini journal!

Both the Journal and the Mini Journal include:

  • A cross-referenced Table of Contents
  • Multiple copies of exercises you repeat
  • Enough copies for the entire program

Find out what you’re really shopping for, and how to get it!

To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Overshop and How to Stop and 2-Part, Fully Assembled Shopping Journal: $29.95

(plus $8.95 shipping, handling, and, where applicable, sales tax)
Your Shopping Journals will be shipped within 3 business days of your order.

Order the journals now!
Order the book and journals together!