“I found Dr Benson’s 4 session audio course to be an excellent overview of compulsive buying disorder. It was very interesting to learn about the determinants for this behaviour in addition to gaining knowledge and practical skills in assessment and treatment options. Since doing this course i have set up my own private practice specialising in the treatment of problematic shopping/ spending behaviour and regularly consult with Dr Benson who i have found to be extremely passionate about the work she does and i have benefited greatly from her expertise and generosity.”
ML Registered Counsellor Sydney Australia
“I highly recommend this training for therapists who are interested in expanding their practice to work with compulsive shoppers and buyers. I find the training riveting. The articles about buying, spending, and materialism are fascinating. Working in a small group and following two individual overshoppers as they go through the program is very informative and gives one a good feel for what the treatment is like. Dr. Benson is an excellent teacher: she presents the material in a stimulating, lively, and compassionate manner and she generously offers her expertise, clinical wisdom, and treatment protocols. I have found this training to be very useful in my expanded understanding and treatment of people with other serious challenges such as eating problems.”
Cheryl Pearlman, LCSW
“I have wanted to take Dr. Benson’s 12 week course in Stopping Overshopping for some time, but had hesitated due to the financial investment. Now that I completed the course I have no regrets about deciding to do so. Dr. Benson is a leader in this field, and she is generous with sending appropriate referrals to students. She is open to feedback and continually adding resources and insights to her own practice. The course addresses overshopping on all relevant levels from practical to psychological to spiritual. Additionally, Dr. Benson encourages participants to explore their own areas of interest; getting her feedback on that alone is worth the price of the course. I would readily enroll in any future trainings that Dr. Benson offers.”
Bonnie Campbell, LCSW
“As I review my training with April and grasp the progression of the steps of the twelve-week program, I can see the structure of the reading and assignments, and recognize how they guide the patient from past to present to future. The program is user friendly and the concepts will not only inform my work with compulsive shoppers but with patients who have other types of compulsive behavior.”
Sara Millstein, Ph.D.
“I loved taking the training course! Group members were very intelligent and everyone shared thoughts and reactions. The newly-acquired cognitive skills significantly expanded our way of working with this population. April Benson has created a well thought out and effective program, one that helps shopaholics identify what they have been doing, look honestly into the mirror, and make necessary changes. Her treatment program leads them to expand their worlds, connect with people, and find what they truly need. Particularly helpful in the course was our opportunity to follow several clients through the program, reading their responses at each stage. Overall, Dr. Benson has put together a formidable set of materials for the therapist to use in working with this population. I feel quite ready now to work in this way with the shopaholic.”
Marcia Lavipour, LCSW, Ph.D.
“I have known April Benson since 2005 and have been impressed with her pioneering work in the field of compulsive shopping and spending. I read her book “I Shop Therefore I Am” and completed her teletraining in early 2007. It was very valuable and gave me more understanding and confidence to work with clients who suffer from compulsive shopping and spending. I am seeing my practice grow and am seeing results with my clients. Dr. Benson has been gracious in helping to promote me and answer any questions I may have along the way. I can’t recommend her program highly enough.”
Terrence Daryl Shulman, JD, LMSW, ACSW, CAC, CPC
“Dr. Benson is an outstanding contributor to a vast new field, helping a population of suffering people among us. She has helped me both professionally and personally, and I highly recommend her course to therapists who wish to expand their practices.”
Penelope J. Hooks, M.D. Houston, TX