My colleague, Stacey Francis is CEO & President of Francis Financial. She is also Founder of Savvy Ladies, a non-profit organization that spreads free financial information to women. As with many of us who are in the money business, we have stories that drove us here. These stories are personal and emotional. Here is Stacey’s:
This video is courtesy of Nice Shoes, sharing a snapshot of Stacey and her personal motivation to help women. Click Reebok Below.

When Money Wins
Stacey’s grandmother stayed in an abusive relationship because she didn’t have enough money to survive alone. This reason still exists today – people who don’t want to divorce because our standard of living will be compromised. We are consciously or unconsciously, trading happiness for money. When this happens, unhappiness becomes a downward spiral. It’s hard to get up in the morning, to put your “all” into anything. Your work suffers, children feel it, and the world is viewed through a clouded lens. Unhappiness manifests itself through our health, our friendships, and our ability to get out of a terrible circumstance.
Many of us Trade Happiness for Money in some Way
Some of us commute 2-3 hours a day for a better job, while enabling our kids and spouse to live in an affordable home with a backyard. Sometimes we’re gone before the kids are up and home after the kids are in bed. Is giving our children an opportunity for a better life more important than giving them more of our own love? Is sending them to college so they don’t face debt when they graduate better than moments with us as they grow? Who knows?!
The Answer
The answer is in asking the questions I think. It is about being deliberate in our decisions for our family, instead of falling into behavioral patterns that are accepted…or expected. The things money buy can often be seen, while happiness is much harder to measure. Are they connected? Does money buy happiness? Do you jump out of bed in the morning? Do your kids miss you and vie for attention? If you passed away tomorrow, what would your tombstone say, and are you good with that?
Since our fear of having less, or living less is often greater than reality, the answer starts with investigating facts.
1. What makes you truly happy? How many of these activities are you getting?
2. How would you like to be earning money? What could it pay if you put your all into it?
3. What expenses can you actually live without if you had this new life?
Now you’re saying “Who has the time?”. I get it. Work on one happiness activity per week. Write down one aspect of your dream job per week after that. Small steps toward happiness add up, and you are so worth it.
Related Topic:Do you have Money-Life Balance?

Information shown is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended as investment, legal or tax planning advice. Please consult a financial adviser, attorney or tax specialist for advice specific to your financial situation. Behavioral Cents, LLC and any third parties listed, linked to or otherwise appearing in this message are separate and unaffiliated and are not responsible for each other’s products, services or policies.
Carrie is Founder of Behavioral Cents and a 30-year veteran executive of financial services. Behavioral Cents helps women achieve independence, freedom, and a bigger voice in the world. Building a fatter bank women can help women confidently walk away from a bad job, build a business to change the world, or live on their own income. We work in a private, non-judgmental atmosphere with a program tailored to change your money behaviors for the better – without deprivation. Thoughts always welcome:

Carrie Rattle is a Principal at, a website for women focused on mind and money behaviors. She has worked in the financial services industry for 20+ years and hopes to inspire women to better prepare themselves for financial independence.