Professor B.J. Fogg has a fun approach to changing habits. He has a program called Tiny Habits, and the concept is a simple way to ease you into new money habits. This blog includes excerpts from an article on B.J. Fogg in B.J. Fogg’s concept of Tiny Habits basically teaches you to break down your… Continue reading Build Tiny Money Habits to Achieve Big Success
Category: Debt
7 Signs You are in Financial Denial
Our guest blogger is Eric Dammann, clinical psychologist and financial coach in NYC. Financial denial can be so harmful to my clients. It works in the background, and often goes unnoticed until it’s too late. What is denial? It’s a defense mechanism we use to protect ourselves from unpleasant emotions and thoughts. Defense mechanisms are… Continue reading 7 Signs You are in Financial Denial
3 Simple Behaviors to Take the Pain out of Tax Season
Yep, it’s that season again. And it’s stressful. Often the paperwork is more daunting than the actual check we may have to write; and psychologically the agitation we imagine is often much greater than reality. It’s natural to bristle at “administrivia” and avoid submitting our taxes until the very last minute. So before you read further, STOP. Once you… Continue reading 3 Simple Behaviors to Take the Pain out of Tax Season
Are You Committing Financial Infidelity? You May be Surprised
Infidelity is a sizzling topic, and Financial Infidelity is new on the scenes. According to the research Financial Infidelity in Couple Relationships 2018 by Jeanfreau, Noguchi, Mong and Stadthagen, 27% of people admit to keeping a secret from their partner but 53% do keep a secret from their partner. Are they lying? OR, is what they’re doing just not considered infidelity… Continue reading Are You Committing Financial Infidelity? You May be Surprised
Are You Making Payments Too Quickly?
Forward movement, if we want to call it that, in Industry and technology has made monetary transactions faster than a speeding bullet. Today it’s common to be able to make and pay for a purchase simply by tapping your cell phone. Efficient and convenient? Yes. Risky and problematic? If you’re reading this soundbite, the… Continue reading Are You Making Payments Too Quickly?
Council Clerk’s Shopping Addiction Lands Her in Jail
An A U.K. council clerk has been jailed for forging checks worth nearly $200,000 to feed her shopping addiction. Her scheme, getting legitimate checks signed by the council, then heating them up to wipe off the payee’s name, which she’d written in a special ink, and substitute in her own, was pretty clever. She managed… Continue reading Council Clerk’s Shopping Addiction Lands Her in Jail
How to Take Yourself on a “Money Date”
A “money date” is something you might find quite rewarding. It may be spontaneous or planned, brief or extended, on your own or with your loved ones, but essentially, it is time spent connecting with your money. In this article are some ideas for things to do on your money date: 1) Login to you… Continue reading How to Take Yourself on a “Money Date”
We Did It! Debt Free!
It is so wonderful the hear the stories of people who have taken control of their spending habits and climbed their mountain of debt to plant a flag of success on the top. This is the story of a couple who started their journey with over $100,000 of debt to surmount in the form of… Continue reading We Did It! Debt Free!
Credit Cards: Clearing, but with a Strong Probability of Curveballs
As we noted in the last newsletter (see “Credit Card Act of 2009,” June 2009), new legislation now curtails several egregious practices that credit card companies have been using to gouge their customers. Now, with some sectors of the economy—though certainly not others!—beginning to move in the direction of recovery, it’s the right moment to… Continue reading Credit Cards: Clearing, but with a Strong Probability of Curveballs
Financial Education in the Workplace
On August 16th, a persuasive online article appeared about the harmful effects that financial stress has in the workplace. Jeffrey Strain, who authors this website, cites research that shows greatly decreased efficiency and effectiveness in financially stressed workers. He argues that companies would do well to promote healthier lifestyles in their employees by offering financial… Continue reading Financial Education in the Workplace