Part of what makes us human is the wonderful urge to help others of the species when they experience difficulty. All we have to do is look at the outpouring of money to other countries – to people we’ve never met-when they experience floods and earthquakes. This is a wonderful human quality. We just need… Continue reading The Urge to Help
Category: Money Psychology
Higher Prices Mean Higher Quality – Or Do They?
We often have sayings, biases, and assumptions that are built and reinforced over time. For example, we often assume that a higher price means higher quality. We also assume that most people are sensible and will figure out a cheap scam so if a product is priced incorrectly, it won’t last long. But is this… Continue reading Higher Prices Mean Higher Quality – Or Do They?
Expecting Money is better than Receiving Money
Yes, believe it or not. Our brains get more excited about the money we expect to get – from a bonus, a lottery, a promotion – than when we actually receive it. How many times do you spend that expected reward in your head? A little goes here, a little goes there, some goes in… Continue reading Expecting Money is better than Receiving Money
6 Questions to Stop a Shopaholic Part 5
These tips are taken from “To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Over Shop and How to Stop” by April Lane Benson, PhD (2008) as published in Adrian Furnham’s most recent book “The New Psychology of Money”. The trick to changing a behavior is to understand why you are doing it, notice when you… Continue reading 6 Questions to Stop a Shopaholic Part 5
Words of Wisdom from the Fashion Industry
When I think of the Fashion Industry, wisdom is not what first comes to mind. I think of beauty, trends, and heels so high you can’t walk in them. From a more behavioral aspect, I think of how the industry can play havoc with one’s self-esteem, and our pocket books. However, I came across an… Continue reading Words of Wisdom from the Fashion Industry
Pregnant Women are Money Gold Mines
Wow! Out of all the things women think about when they’re pregnant, have you ever considered yourself to be a money target for retailers? Here’s why they target women & money, and how to stay grounded with disciplined money behaviors during this new phase of life. It’s hard enough to manage money throughout our busy,… Continue reading Pregnant Women are Money Gold Mines
How Fear Clouds Reality
My clients are terrific. They are all unique with their own special gifts and ways of looking at the world. I learn something from each of them. And yet, the way they feel when they first come to me is so incredibly heartbreaking….and unnecessary.It takes incredible courage to admit that their financial situation isn’t where… Continue reading How Fear Clouds Reality
Help Loved Ones by Putting Money Self-care on Your List
Sometimes my clients move appointments further out this time of year. When the sun is shining, barbecues are scheduled, and summer camp is around the corner, life is a flurry of activity. There is hope and warmth and fun. Money has traditionally been last on their list, falling behind TV re-reruns and cleaning out the… Continue reading Help Loved Ones by Putting Money Self-care on Your List
Do You Have Successful Money-Life Balance?
Money-Life Balance means taking money off a pedestal, and putting your happiness on it. It means fulfilling your life, instead of pursuing the almighty dollar. It means spending enough to enjoy life today, and saving enough to enjoy life tomorrow. So, what does money life balance look like? Since it is different for each of us, how… Continue reading Do You Have Successful Money-Life Balance?
Divorce Series Part 3: The 3 Biggest Financial Mistakes You Can Make
The list of potential financial mistakes made while divorcing can be extensive. It is an exhausting, emotional time for everyone. Every money decision is emotional to begin with, and this stress just adds to the mix. Divorce and finances can become complicated and dividing assets can be complex, which is why the finance industry CDFA © designation… Continue reading Divorce Series Part 3: The 3 Biggest Financial Mistakes You Can Make