These tips are taken from “To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Over Shop and How to Stop” by April Lane Benson, PhD (2008) as published in Adrian Furnham’s most recent book “The New Psychology of Money”. The trick to changing a behavior is to understand why you are doing it, notice when you… Continue reading 6 Questions to Stop a Shopaholic Part 5
Category: Retail Psychology
Pregnant Women are Money Gold Mines
Wow! Out of all the things women think about when they’re pregnant, have you ever considered yourself to be a money target for retailers? Here’s why they target women & money, and how to stay grounded with disciplined money behaviors during this new phase of life. It’s hard enough to manage money throughout our busy,… Continue reading Pregnant Women are Money Gold Mines
Have You Done the CVS Money Run with Her?
Thanks to my colleague Tod for this title and question that prompted my thinking. Tod has been dating a woman for about a year, and his friends inquired whether Tod had “done the CVS run with her yet?” Tod sought clarification. Apparently, it is a wonder that a woman can spend $200 in CVS in… Continue reading Have You Done the CVS Money Run with Her?
Sale Brain: How to rewire yours
Sale Brain: How to Rewire Yours Don’t let discounts blind you to hard numbers. We have become obsessed with the word, “sale.”, that 21st century OED we don’t have to find on the shelf, defines sale as a noun, with three related shades of meaning. Sale refers to: the act of selling. a quantity sold. opportunity… Continue reading Sale Brain: How to rewire yours
Can Confessions Be Funny? What One Overshopper Has to Say
You may remember these two recent blog posts, an overshopper named Lynn. Believe it or Not, It’s True: Nordstrom and I Are Through (Part I) and Believe it or Not, It’s True: Nordstrom and I Are Through (Part II) These posts are what she wrote for the dialogue exercise, a part of our program where you… Continue reading Can Confessions Be Funny? What One Overshopper Has to Say
The “Smiled Upon” Addiction: An article from Glamour Magazine
“If someone tells you, you have a problem, cut them off. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.” Thus begins Glamour magazine’s recent article, 10 things you only know if you’re addicted to sale shopping. Brashly glamorizing addiction to sale shopping, one subcategory of shopping addiction, this piece ranks a close second… Continue reading The “Smiled Upon” Addiction: An article from Glamour Magazine
These Shoes and Baggage Fit Most Shopaholics
Touched, tickled, and terribly impressed, I left last Wednesday’s performance of Cheryl Stern’s Shoes and Baggage feeling buoyed and hopeful that compulsive buying may yet really come out of the closet, and this time for good! As this funny, poignant, and thoughtful one-woman musical odyssey opens, the audience is bombarded with a plethora of advertising… Continue reading These Shoes and Baggage Fit Most Shopaholics
Why Scrap Fasion?
Last Thursday, I spent the afternoon at the Lower East Side Girls Club in New York City and left feeling more inspired than ever to help people explore mindful consumption. In no way does anyone need to scrap fashion for lack of funds. Let me explain. Debra Rapoport, one of the advanced fashionistas I’d written about… Continue reading Why Scrap Fasion?
How Can Advanced Style be a Retreat from Compulsive Buying?
Surrounded at dinner recently by six maverick women, ranging in age from their late 30’s into their 70’s, each dressed in the most creative, non-conformist, ensemble, how could it be that I was writing down the names of thrift stores? Each of these women looked like a million bucks, if not two or three. We… Continue reading How Can Advanced Style be a Retreat from Compulsive Buying?
Are You A $mart Woman?
If you already consider yourself one, The $mart Women podcast series will help you maintain your smarts, and if you’re not, the series will help you become one. Sponsored by Payne Capital Management and hosted by Michelle McKinnon, the series seeks to help women “get smart” with their money and is a great resource. Recently,… Continue reading Are You A $mart Woman?