Have You Done the CVS Money Run with Her?

Thanks to my colleague Tod for this title and question that prompted my thinking.  Tod has been dating a woman for about a year, and his friends inquired whether Tod had “done the CVS run with her yet?”  Tod sought clarification.  Apparently, it is a wonder that a woman can spend $200 in CVS in just minutes, and fit it all easily into her purse.  As a woman, this does not surprise me at all.  So why does it surprise men?

Women Buy Most Family Items

CVS major categories are beauty products, self-care, greeting cards, vitamins, over the counter medications, basic school supplies, basic home supplies, and candy. Women buy 93% of OTC medicines, 93% of groceries and food. (Bloomberg, The Female Factor). Women are most likely to buy celebratory cards, birthday candles, and school supplies too. Women always buy for others. Men typically buy for themselves.

Deliberate Temptation

When you walk into a CVS, cosmetics are positioned immediately in front. They are meant to erode the will power of time-pressured or stressed women who need a bit of ‘me’ time and don’t always feel beautiful after a tough week living in a man’s world.  There are no male cosmetics, and few male grooming products at CVS.

Breaking it Down

  • The $200 of items in our purse will satisfy needs, wants and hope. Do we need to practice money mindfulness when spending? Absolutely! Probably 1/3 of creams and cosmetics we buy are half unused under the bathroom counter. I bought a lipstick and found I already owned that shade. And I only have 5 to begin with!
  • If men would like to do the family shopping and care giving, many women won’t mind. We will spend less, and won’t need to face the cosmetic counters. If men would accept women without makeup, we wouldn’t need cosmetic counters, hair color, or anti-wrinkle creams at all. It would be so much cheaper if we were just allowed to be ‘us’.

 Related Topic: Not Saving? Not Your Fault. Blame Retail Psychology

Info Graph on Women's Purchasing Power

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Carrie Rattle is a Master Money Coach & Founder of Behavioral Cents. She is a 30-year veteran executive of financial services. Behavioral Cents helps women achieve independence, freedom, and a bigger voice in the world. By building a fatter bank account women can confidently walk away from a bad job, build a business to change the world, or live their dreams. We work in a private, non-judgmental atmosphere with a program tailored to change your money behaviors for the better – without deprivation. Thoughts always welcome: carrierattle@behavioralcents.com.

Behavioral Cents Logo | Have You Done the CVS Money Run with Her?

By Carrie Rattle

Carrie Rattle is a Principal at BehavioralCents.com, a website for women focused on mind and money behaviors. She has worked in the financial services industry for 20+ years and hopes to inspire women to better prepare themselves for financial independence. Read More