The list of potential financial mistakes made while divorcing can be extensive. It is an exhausting, emotional time for everyone. Every money decision is emotional to begin with, and this stress just adds to the mix. Divorce and finances can become complicated and dividing assets can be complex, which is why the finance industry CDFA © designation… Continue reading Divorce Series Part 3: The 3 Biggest Financial Mistakes You Can Make
Category: Money Behaviors
Build Tiny Money Habits to Achieve Big Success
Professor B.J. Fogg has a fun approach to changing habits. He has a program called Tiny Habits, and the concept is a simple way to ease you into new money habits. This blog includes excerpts from an article on B.J. Fogg in B.J. Fogg’s concept of Tiny Habits basically teaches you to break down your… Continue reading Build Tiny Money Habits to Achieve Big Success
Are You in the Right Tribe? 3 Key Indicators
“Tribe” is a new word, and a very old word. It’s used a lot in the women’s networking world – “finding your tribe”. This blog came to me after finding my own networking tribe after a 2-year search. I’m also reminded of how I am surrounded by my true tribe in life, which keeps me… Continue reading Are You in the Right Tribe? 3 Key Indicators
7 Signs You are in Financial Denial
Our guest blogger is Eric Dammann, clinical psychologist and financial coach in NYC. Financial denial can be so harmful to my clients. It works in the background, and often goes unnoticed until it’s too late. What is denial? It’s a defense mechanism we use to protect ourselves from unpleasant emotions and thoughts. Defense mechanisms are… Continue reading 7 Signs You are in Financial Denial
5 Tips to Fight Tax Return Money Euphoria
We all know the feeling – when we’re getting a tax return and we feel, well, rich. Not rich like a millionaire, but richer than we were yesterday. It’s like gold falling from heaven. And then it starts. The “what can I use this money for” dreams begin. And believe it or not, we probably… Continue reading 5 Tips to Fight Tax Return Money Euphoria
3 Dangers when Talking Money to Your Banker
Some of my friends and colleagues are bankers. Are they knowledgeable and operate with integrity? Absolutely. But first and foremost, they’re human too. Bankers should be more knowledgeable about their business than the average bear. However, they have money emotion and needs like the rest of us, which means they may not be putting you… Continue reading 3 Dangers when Talking Money to Your Banker
3 Simple Behaviors to Take the Pain out of Tax Season
Yep, it’s that season again. And it’s stressful. Often the paperwork is more daunting than the actual check we may have to write; and psychologically the agitation we imagine is often much greater than reality. It’s natural to bristle at “administrivia” and avoid submitting our taxes until the very last minute. So before you read further, STOP. Once you… Continue reading 3 Simple Behaviors to Take the Pain out of Tax Season
3 Tips for the Super Mom Brain & Money Talk
We all know a woman’s brain works differently from a man’s. Did you know a woman’s brain goes into superior overdrive once she becomes a Mom? With this kind of computer power – women can tackle, learn and succeed with anything around money talk. We just need to deliver the information and discussions differently. Here’s… Continue reading 3 Tips for the Super Mom Brain & Money Talk
Use Your Mind to Increase Savings by 73%
Have you ever really, really wanted something but then sloughed it off because the likelihood of saving the money to achieve it was super low? You may have just thrown away the possible. How could I know this? For two reasons: research and client experience. In a recent interview with Jill Cornfield of NBC Universal, we discussed… Continue reading Use Your Mind to Increase Savings by 73%
Are You Committing Financial Infidelity? You May be Surprised
Infidelity is a sizzling topic, and Financial Infidelity is new on the scenes. According to the research Financial Infidelity in Couple Relationships 2018 by Jeanfreau, Noguchi, Mong and Stadthagen, 27% of people admit to keeping a secret from their partner but 53% do keep a secret from their partner. Are they lying? OR, is what they’re doing just not considered infidelity… Continue reading Are You Committing Financial Infidelity? You May be Surprised