The Simple Joy of One

Making the conscious decision to cut down on your possessions can be daunting to say the least. But once you embark on this life-changing journey, you may come to find that you have collected duplicates of many items. In such a materialistic culture, it is easy to conclude that if owning one thing is good,… Continue reading The Simple Joy of One

Categorized as Minimalism

Don’t Just Declutter, De-own

For many Americans, a major New Year’s Resolution is to organize, de-clutter, and simplify their lives. But by organizing, we create only a temporary solution for the real problem at hand. When you simply have too much stuff, you will have to organize time and time again. By embracing minimalism and starting to thin out… Continue reading Don’t Just Declutter, De-own

Categorized as Minimalism

Wanting Everything is (Almost) the Same as Wanting Nothing

Aristotle said, “I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.” Joshua Becker, in making his point, shares this quote and some very personal insight. Becker has a lovely six-year-old daughter: friendly, fun, intelligent and a collector of everything. She has a passion… Continue reading Wanting Everything is (Almost) the Same as Wanting Nothing

The Cheapskate Guide: 50 Tips for Frugal Living

This article gives 50 tips for frugal living, all helpful suggestions to help control your finances, with the top 20 listed here to get you started.  Go with one car. Go with a smaller house. Go with a smaller car. Rent rather than own. Look for used first. Eat out less often. Eat out frugally.… Continue reading The Cheapskate Guide: 50 Tips for Frugal Living

Happily Welcomed Side Effects

Markus Almond of Brooklyn to Mars shares reflections on some big events in his life: finally paying off his credit cards, and getting rid of some possessions in preparation to moving into an apartment. He has learned a lot about becoming a minimalist, and has recently been inspired to “declutter, digitalize and simplify.” Almond’s reprioritization… Continue reading Happily Welcomed Side Effects

Categorized as Minimalism

The Parable of the Lorelei

A mermaid, beautiful and alluring, sings from the top of a rocky point in the most dangerous section of the Rhine River. Like the sirens of the Homer’s Odyssey, she causes sailors to jump overboard and captains to forget about the deadly dangers surrounding them. Is this German legend about a seductive mermaid a parable… Continue reading The Parable of the Lorelei

Influence. You Already Have It.

Becoming Minimalist blogger Joshua Becker write of influence: “…{I]t would be wise for us to stop always asking how to acquire more and instead, start asking what to do with the influence we already have.” Becker believes that once we realize the scope of our influence, we can begin to focus on being a positive… Continue reading Influence. You Already Have It.